OOGLE Blue VW Campervan Wedding Car by Lettice The Camper Van (NLT), Ripon. - The Wedding Car Directory

VW Campervan - Bay Window Westfalia Wedding car

VW Campervan
Bay Window Westfalia
Passengers: 4
Price guide for this season.
DayLow High
Mon - Thur: 325.00325.00
Friday: 350.00350.00
Saturday: 375.00375.00
Sunday: 375.00375.00
Currency: GBP

Additional charges for mileage, time & extras may apply.

Customer Reviews

Average Score of 4/5 & recommended by /1 reviews. (%) VW Campervan Bay Window Westfalia Blue [11612]

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Lettice is a very early VW bay camper van in pale blue paintwork. Lettice has been totally restored and is fitted with a bespoke oak interior, new cream and beige leather upholstery and a totally rebuilt engine. She is much loved and is a very pretty example of an early bay. She seats one in the front with a driver and three in the bench seat in the back, all seats have seatbelts. Lettice is quite partial to a quick stop off and a glass of champagne before you arrive on your big day and she promises to take excellent care of you.

This wedding car is supplied by Lettice The Camper Van (NLT) who is a wedding transport company based in Ripon serving North Yorkshire and the surrounding area.

If you would like more information please make contact with Kirsten Antoncich on 07751 607241.

See Lettice The Camper Van (NLT) in