OOGLE White VW Campervan Wedding Car by Classic and Camper Ltd, Chesterfield. - The Wedding Car Directory

VW Campervan - 1971 Devon Bay Window Wedding car

VW Campervan
1971 Devon Bay Window
Passengers: 7
Price guide for this season.
DayLow High
Mon - Thur: 425.00425.00
Friday: 425.00425.00
Saturday: 425.00425.00
Sunday: 425.00425.00
Currency: GBP

Additional charges for mileage, time & extras may apply.

Customer Reviews

Average Score of 5/5 & recommended by 6/6 reviews. (100%) VW Campervan 1971 Devon Bay Window White [11104]

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Classic VW camper.

Classic and Camper Ltd are a family run business and are proud to be No. 1 for VW Campervan Wedding Hire in DERBYSHIRE, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, LINCOLNSHIRE, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE AND NORTH LIECESTERSHIRE. You will be so comfortable in our unique eight-seater VW Campervan; we will make your special day spectacular! Macy has undergone a meticulous renovation to the highest standard, and she looks stunning finished in Lotus White. The specially designed and skillfully crafted interior complements the exterior colour scheme perfectly.  For more information please visit https://classicandcamper.co.uk

This wedding car is supplied by Classic and Camper Ltd who is a wedding transport company based in Chesterfield serving Derbyshire and the surrounding area.

If you would like more information please make contact with Steve Cooling on 01246811910.

See Classic and Camper Ltd in