OOGLE White London Taxi Wedding Car by Little White Taxi, Bude. - The Wedding Car Directory

London Taxi - LTI Fairway Wedding car

London Taxi
LTI Fairway
Passengers: 6
Price guide for this season.
DayLow High
Mon - Thur: 370.00370.00
Friday: 370.00370.00
Saturday: 370.00370.00
Sunday: 370.00370.00
Currency: GBP

Additional charges for mileage, time & extras may apply.

Customer Reviews

Average Score of 5/5 & recommended by 4/4 reviews. (100%) London Taxi LTI Fairway White [11658]

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The Little White Taxi is a beautifully restored classic London taxi and will be so pleased to be a part of your big day.
The Little White Taxi will arrive shining like a new pin and be decorated with ribbons and flowers to match your colour scheme. There will be a complimentary bottle of bubbly for you both to enjoy on the way to the reception.
The Little White Taxi has ample space for even the most voluminous dress and the wide doors make a graceful arrival in front of your guests absolutely effortless.  It goes without saying that we welcome enquiries from same sex couples

This wedding car is supplied by Little White Taxi who is a wedding transport company based in Bude serving Cornwall and the surrounding area.

If you would like more information please make contact with Chris Terry on 07549754795.

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